I'm sitting here on my couch watching the my first episode of Biggest Loser with my mom and I wish that my mom weren't here watching it with me. Not because of any resentment on my part towards her, but because for a lot of this episode I'm having to fight back tears, and I just don't like crying/showing a lot of emotions in front of people!
I'm finding that I can really relate to a lot of people on this show. I've never watched it before so I don't know this is a normal thing, but a lot of them are struggling as much mentally as they are physically. A lot of them are fighting thoughts of hopelessness, and despair, and discouragement that have kept them from getting healthy until now. Now all (or at least some) of the mental issues that they've kept bottled up and covered up with food for so many years are on Prime time television for everyone in America to see.