So, the other day I asked kind of a big question and then had to leave and I wasn't able to see/participate in the conversation until much later. (I still haven't actually said anything about it because things have been kinda crazy around my house!)
Anyway, it seems that there is a lot of disagreements going on, more so than usual! ;) My thought is this, I think a lot of the disagreements is surrounding terms and misunderstandings, although I could be wrong. How about everyone who wants to or feels the need to write a blog about what they think about the topic of assurance? Take the time to define terms and explain concepts that is really hard to do if not impossible in 140 characters or less.
I will write my own blog post on the topic, hopefully in a few days or less. All the Twitter activity has really made me think, this concept is one I've never really thought about in depth before, suffice to say that once you said the sinner's prayer, you were good. (Was kind of afraid to touch on the subject of once-saved-always-saved because I really had no idea how to go about it.)
I do want to say that there is no one that I completely disagreed with on Twitter, several people made some very good points that I had never thought about before, but I think were very thought-provoking. If you would like to write your thoughts on the subject here as a comment, that's fine, or a blog post is fine too, but I think it would be beneficial, certainly for me, and I'm sure for everyone if we took the time to explain Scripturally what we believe about assurance.
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