
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

LT Reunion

So, last night there was a little LT reunion. Well, at least us Ball Staters had one. It would be kind of a long drive for a two hour reunion for the VT kids and WVU kids. It was really fun. Laid back. It was really nice to be reminded of all that God did for all of us over the summer. Especailly after these past few days, which have been really difficult, it was good to be reminded and encouraged of how good God is.

My mom is getting ready to go on a mission trip it Haiti on Saturday. She'll be there for a whole week. That sounds so long! Not really, but I am worried about her. Carl said it was kind of cute, the daughter being worried about mom instead of the other way around. I shouldn't be worried, I mean, she's going with a group in which, there are at least 3 people who have been there several times before, and others in the group have been there at least once. They'll watch out for her, but I'm still scared for my mommy!

So last night I had this whole list of things that I wanted to blog about, but for the life of me, I cannot remember what they are. I guess that's what I get for getting kicked out of the library. It closes at 3am, and I was there until 3 last night working on homework and various reading assignments.




Ah! I remember something! A friend and I are doing devotions once a week together. Well, I guess it's more of a book study at this point. We're going through the book King of the Jews. It's a book about Jesus and putting Jesus in a Jewish light, because he was, after all, Jewish. In our culture and day and age, people tend to forget that little tid-bit. It's been absolutely fascinating reading this book about just how Jewish He really was. About how different things that seem so ambiguous to us today, made PERFECT sense the the Jews that actually listened to Jesus speak, and knew the cultural references He was using. My friend and I are sharing a book borrowed from another friend, and we're not even half-way through it, and he's ordered a copy for us to keep for ourselves, it's so good! Once we get our own copies, I plan on reading through the book again and underlining and making notes on what's really stuck out to me, which is a lot!

Well, that's it for now! Over and out.

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