I'm finding that the issue of sexuality is not quite as black and white as some people make it seem. Even as I used to think of it as. I'm not saying that the Bible unclear on the issue, or that the issue of morality or Biblical stances isn't clear, but, how the issues should be treated. Or rather, how the people should be dealt with or treated.
For the record, I believe based on scripture that any sexual acts outside of heterosexual marriage is sinful.
What is not always clear, at least to me, is how we should treat people with, for lack of a better term, deviant sexual behavior. Now, I'm no expert, but I have many many homosexual friends, some are Christian, and some are not. Those that are not Christian, know that I believe there is a difference between homosexual desires and homosexual actions, and that I believe homosexual actions are sinful, yet at the same time, I'm not going to think any less of my friends, or judge them in any way. I like to think that my Christian friends know different. My christian friends know that homosexual behavior is sinful, and that as a sister in Christ, I'm going to hold them to Biblical standards as I would hope they would do the same to me. Fortunately, my gay Christian friends are celibate or are otherwise not giving into homosexual temptations.
Either way, showing people love, be tough love (explaining law), or softer(?)(I can't think of a better word at the moment) (explaining the gospel), is required. Whatever action you take, it should be loving because God is loving.
What's irritating is when people, Christians, treat homosexuals, and others associated in the same group of people, with cold callousness and make unfounded assumptions about their personality and motives.
It irritates me when Christians, who are supposed to be loving assume that people who are homosexual, or transgender chose their lifestyle solely as an excuse to live without morals and do whatever they want.
I hate it when Christians act out and prove the stereotypes that Christians are hypocritical, judgemental, arrogant, and elitist.
I hate it when Christians hear the word "gay" and they automatically raise the wall and don't take the time to get to know the person, to know their story, to share the (Biblical) love of (the Biblical) Christ to them in whatever form that may take. (I emphasize "Biblical" because it is definitely different than the relativistic soft-accept-everyone-as-they-are-with-no-intentions-of-making-them-more-like-Him that we seem to see more and more of today.)
What I hate the most is that I see more "cold" Christians that Christ-followers.
I really appreciate this, Steph!